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Governors at Welland Park Academy:

The purpose of our governing body is to provide an independent view and provide strong links between the school and the community and to work collaboratively with the Principal and the local authority to ensure that students receive the best possible education and achieve their full potential and to help the school provide the best possible learning environment for all students.  Our motto is learning for Life!

Together with the Principal and the senior team, the governing body has a strategic role in setting suitable aims and objectives, agreeing policies, targets and priorities with effective monitoring and reviewing of achievement against agreed criteria. This involves deciding what type of school we want Welland Park Academy to be, having taken account of the changing nature of education, both nationally and locally.  Deciding, with the Principal and the Senior Leadership Team, on appropriate areas of school improvement and the policies we want staff and students to follow on a day to day basis. We also provide accountability to the community for the use of resources and the standards of teaching and learning in the school.

Together with the Principal, the governing body is integral to monitoring and evaluation at Welland Park Academy. This involves receiving and discussing reports regarding behaviour and safety, student achievement and teaching and learning.  We regularly meet with our links on the senior or middle leadership team.  We meet regularly as a full governing body or designated committees to ensure we are fully briefed and know what the school does well and decide on suitable areas for continuous improvement.  Governors meet with the Principal and School Improvement Partner to set and agree the Principal’s targets and objectives in line with the strategic direction of Welland Park Academy and to assess the impact of our work and whether decisions taken have been acted upon, review the evidence and the outcomes so that the best possible results are achieved in all aspects of the school’s performance.

As a governing body, we provide both challenge and support to the Principal and the leadership team.  This involves thoroughly interrogating reports and data, exploring alternatives and asking searching questions.  We act as a critical friend and support with attendance at extra-curricular activities, careers day and training events.


Click on the link below to download a copy of the Governors' Bulletin.

The Chair of Governors can be contacted via the Academy address. Please address all correspondence for the attention of Claire Parry - Chair of Governors

Alternatively, all governors can be contacted by email via –

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